Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Smoking Pot

I have this student. He was one of my stars last year. So sweet. So helpful. Tried really hard.

This year, a completely different kid. When I give a direction, he crosses his arms, slumps back in his seat and sighs. If I call him on his inappropriate behavior, which escalates as the day goes on, he mutters under his breath, "she" this "she" that, "I don't care," "she can't make me do anything."

I've called his mom. I've talked to our security guard who is also the soccer coach to help him out. I've met with the school counselor several times about how worried I am that he is so different than last year. He is in the school leadership group that is run by the area police officers. He attends CAPS--a Chicago Police outreach program--on Saturdays. He is surrounded by support. And, he was chosen to participate in an after-school music program, which he has not been attending because, he said, he was grounded. He lied. His sister, very bravely, came forward with the truth.

From 2:45 to 4:30 every day, he is getting high.

Who is supplying him the drugs? Two people.

1. His cousin. A former student.
2. Ismael. A current student.


A half hour after finding this information out, I attended a meeting where the theme was, "get those scores up."


Now I am slumped in my chair and sighing.

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