Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Teachers are slobs

Apparently teachers are dirty slobs who eat their food like famished animals at a trough. This is the conclusion I've come to since the board, in all its glory, is making us give breakfast in the classroom to our students under its new "Universal Breakfast Program", but we are still not allowed to eat lunch at our desks.

We can be trusted to pass out food, supervise the eating and the cleaning up (all in 10 minutes BTW) of 30 students, but we cannot be trusted to eat our own lunch at our own desks. What? Really?

Oh, and according to the glorious board, the Universal Breakfast, which will be provided during the mandatory block reading time, will not negatively affect student performance on the oh-so-fabulous test that determine everything from graduating to funding teacher positions.

I will definitely keep you posted on this one!

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