Monday, September 21, 2009

Mountains and Mole Hills

I hate to be a trader to my gender, but working with mostly women is like reliving high school. If you say something to one person, it goes through a telephone line, gets completely warped and in the end, friends are mad at each other for something that didn't even happen. Oy. Vey.

More students are doing their reading logs. I decided to "punish" them separately. See, I was originally going to have every student who did not do their reading log have a silent lunch. But, then I decided that would solidify their coup and I would never get anyone to read. So, now I am randomly selecting a student log and if that student did his/her work, he/she gets 50 cents to buy the yummy cookies the lunch lady sells. If the log is missing, then they have a silent lunch. I'm only going to do this a couple weeks or they'll expect to be paid for everything. I really just want them reading, reading, reading.

That's all for now.

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