Thursday, February 24, 2011

Teachers should be happy. No one has pensions anymore!

But teachers don't get social security.

Let me repeat that: teachers do not get social security.

Teachers cannot individually negotiate salary increases during their annual reviews as those in the corporate world do. As I did when I was in the corporate world.

Teachers need collective bargaining rights.

I have to say, I'm a pretty damn good negotiator. I miss being able to negotiate my salary. But, my administrator has no power to increase my salary or not because the budget is decided by legislators who the people have elected.

So, if she thinks I'm worth $250,000, which I am, she can't pay me that.

Perhaps, if the yahoos at Lehman Brothers had been tied to a scheduled salary and a multi-year contract, we would not be in the state we are in now. Teachers didn't create this mess. Unions did not create this mess. It's time to get angry at Wall Street. Not Main Street.

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