Sunday, January 23, 2011

Let Me Make Something Perfectly Clear

I love my school. I have a great principal and am surrounded by professional, dedicated teachers. I have students hungry to be the best they can be as they struggle to figure out what that is for themselves. Chalkboard Warrior, in recent posts, turned into a sounding board of my daily frustrations. I blame this on the just juggling too many balls. That is not the point of this blog. The point is to show how policies--all I believe well intentioned--are implemented on the ground, often creating paperwork, but no real improvement in education. Not all policies mind you. There have been some that I believed were ridiculous that I now admit have benefited my students. There are others that could benefit students but compete with other policies and therefore make it impossible for teachers to fully implement. But, I have digressed. This blog entry is to make perfectly clear that this blog is not about my current school in the least bit. I love my school. It is a beacon of hope in the midst of chaos. I am very thankful to be located at a school where I feel happy and lucky to spend my days there.

My next few posts will be dedicated to IEPs. What are IEPs? Check back in a week. :)

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